All Products for10" Stand with Ukraine - Make love not war- Sunflowers Forever -Real Summer Sunflowers - on white double layer



Kitchen & Dining


Living & Decor


About the Design

sunflower pattern made from real flowers, the national flower of ukraine.i will donate all my

proceeds from this design to needy friends and animals

What we need the money for. The breeder of our corgis is in need. On the 2nd day of the war we received a request for help for dog food and food for the people. Everything is sold out everywhere and the prices have skyrocketed. We have both already donated ourselves but it is just not enough. Please help If you would like to help in addition, please check out my Instagram page. We need every cent for food and dog food.

proceeds from this design to needy friends and animals

What we need the money for. The breeder of our corgis is in need. On the 2nd day of the war we received a request for help for dog food and food for the people. Everything is sold out everywhere and the prices have skyrocketed. We have both already donated ourselves but it is just not enough. Please help If you would like to help in addition, please check out my Instagram page. We need every cent for food and dog food.

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