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About the Design

Damask pattern with Victorian checkers surrounded by flowers and leaves.

Hi, I'm Daniela, if you would like a scale or color change - or for licensing inquiries PLEASE CONTACT ME BY EMAIL If you like, tag me on Instagram @mentabludesign, to show me the works you have made with my drawings. I'M VERY CURIOUS. Thank you. If you use any image of my designs, please give me proper credit: © mentabludesign

Hi, I'm Daniela, if you would like a scale or color change - or for licensing inquiries PLEASE CONTACT ME BY EMAIL If you like, tag me on Instagram @mentabludesign, to show me the works you have made with my drawings. I'M VERY CURIOUS. Thank you. If you use any image of my designs, please give me proper credit: © mentabludesign

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