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About the Design

Dinosaurs through the ages, drawn in a fun, realistic style. This one makes fun shirts, pillows,

banners & more for kids of all ages from 3 to 103!

I drew the pattern in chronological order, starting at the very top in the Triassic period and proceeding down through the Jurassic period and ending with the Cretaceous period. 66 million years ago an asteroid hit the earth, marking the end of the Cretaceous and the end of the non-avian dinosaurs. You can spot that demarcation line because it’s the one with the Triceratops and the Tyrannosaurus rex at the bottom. I had a blast drawing nothing but dinosaurs for a few months. It brought out the inner 5 year old in me, a little fellow who’s never too far away from my consciousness. There’s a total of 121 dinosaurs in the original drawing, including the birds, which are the flying, living members of the great dinosaur dynasty.

banners & more for kids of all ages from 3 to 103!

I drew the pattern in chronological order, starting at the very top in the Triassic period and proceeding down through the Jurassic period and ending with the Cretaceous period. 66 million years ago an asteroid hit the earth, marking the end of the Cretaceous and the end of the non-avian dinosaurs. You can spot that demarcation line because it’s the one with the Triceratops and the Tyrannosaurus rex at the bottom. I had a blast drawing nothing but dinosaurs for a few months. It brought out the inner 5 year old in me, a little fellow who’s never too far away from my consciousness. There’s a total of 121 dinosaurs in the original drawing, including the birds, which are the flying, living members of the great dinosaur dynasty.

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