All Products forWhite elegant Parisian cats in chic berets on a soft Paris blue (large 21x21)



Kitchen & Dining


Living & Decor


About the Design

White Elegant, and chic cats, each striking a pose and adorned with Parisian berets, a perfectly

whimsical fusion of feline grace and Parisian allure.

I would love to re-share any projects made with my designs! Please use my hashtag #sheenalangeillustrations on Instagram. @sheenalangeillustrations So I can see your beautiful creations! Thank you! Parisian cats, French cats, French pattern, France bedroom, Paris fabric, cats in berets, cats, French charm, whimsical cats, sheena lange, minimalist, chic girls room, paris blue,

whimsical fusion of feline grace and Parisian allure.

I would love to re-share any projects made with my designs! Please use my hashtag #sheenalangeillustrations on Instagram. @sheenalangeillustrations So I can see your beautiful creations! Thank you! Parisian cats, French cats, French pattern, France bedroom, Paris fabric, cats in berets, cats, French charm, whimsical cats, sheena lange, minimalist, chic girls room, paris blue,

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